Friday, September 23, 2016
"Move the piece to a less prominent spot. Do not act as if it were made of a light table, two Arduinos, a Makey Makey setup, conductive paint, conductive tape, a thermal receipt printer, two laptops, a projector, a wall board, 16 square feet of unprimed canvas, one quart of melted wax, three extra-large black candles, more than 100 printed photo cutouts of loved ones, a reflective photo umbrella, a reflective softbox interior, an LED lightbulb, 18 square feet of particle board, primer, 10 pounds of joint compound, two buckets, and a footstool. Act as if it were a simple painting to be picked up and carted across the room. Email the artists to say it has already been moved. Do not think about Rosa Parks."

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