Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Untitled (Evergreen), 2008

Stopped-in-traffic street photograph and another digital study for WGT. Late in the day to obtain raking light. Yesterday's crow and friends dipping in and out of the branches and wires, refusing to perch long enough to have their portraits made. Next door neighbor mowing her lawn, the summery smell of cut grass a bit incongruous in the chilly late fall afternoon. Beep-beep-beep of a rental van backing down the lane.

Someone writes to ask why I'm making WGT, what relation it has to its source. I admire the source. I haven't been to art school. Pictures are a form of specialized knowledge. Knowledge's transmission through canny emulation is a legacy (qv. many previous entries and photographs) available, at least in theory, to everyone. (The didactic and pedegogical aspects of modernism).

And the 120 format contact sheets look great.

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