Thursday, November 29, 2007
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Vancouver artist-photographer seeks half a dozen individuals for paid participation in an upcoming public performance. Any regular reader is welcome to apply, with the following provisios:

1. Performance will take place in downtown Vancouver on six successive Mondays. If you are not available mid-day on Mondays in December and January, please do not apply. (Each individual will only perform once; you do not need to be available for six weeks in a row).

2. Performance will consist of reading a book of your choice outdoors in a busy public place for sixty minutes. The performance location is sheltered from rain and/or snow, but I cannot guarantee balmy weather. If you will be uncomfortable standing (or sitting, in the case of mobility-impaired individuals) outside for sixty minutes, please do not apply.

3. Your performance will be surripticiously photographed by someone previously unknown to you. Your image will subsequently appear in a sequence of photographs presented in a contemporary art context. If your representation in an art context concerns you, please do not apply.

4. Each participant will receive $40 for their sixty minute participation, and, if requested, a proof print of the final photo sequence.

5. If you are still interested in applying, please respond to this ad in writing. Please include your name, contact details (phone, email), age, the titles of the last two or three books you've read or are currently reading, and any other information you think is important. The objective here is to ensure that the final "cast" is as diverse as possible, in reading taste as well as in age, gender, ethnicity, etc.

Thanks for reading; I look forward to hearing from you.

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