Monday, November 19, 2007

ACT (Aesthetically Claimed Thing): The Record Store Cats

Not depicted: a Dan-admiring feline, head bobbing back and forth like a pigeon's.

Email over the weekend from several folks, some friends, some strangers, wondering about this page's descent into endless Youtube links and cryptic one-liners. Some miss the photographs, some the crabby loquaciousness, some the value investing advice, and just about everyone waxes nostalgic about the lack of trips to interesting places.

In my defense: it's winter in Vancouver, with all the precipitation and low light that implies. My seasonal affective disorder is kicked up into high gear, and simple procedures -- remembering to wake up; tying my shoes; successfully negotiating ten hours of public service without completely melting down -- have assumed a difficulty out of all proportion to how hard they actually are. On top of spending more than sixty hours a week in the shop, I'm completing a university level microeconomics course I don't feel particularly at home in, and trying to finish several pieces of overdue art criticism. The camera's battery charger is still lost (a replacement, ordered off Big Electronic Garage Sale a month ago, is also MIA), the stock market is tanking, and I can barely summon the energy to watch Deadwood in the evening, let alone to consider field trips to greener pastures. While animated cat GIFs and endless Steely Dan reruns may tax everyone's patience, these things are real to me, harmless anodynes that keep me sane and functioning.

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