Wednesday, September 05, 2007
"So, How's it Going, Anyway?"

I think this is the last piece I am ever going to write to a deadline, and probably my last piece of "periodical criticism" ever. I keep reading it over and thinking, a/ this is not expressed very clearly, and, b/ the "insights" are neither insightful or clever, just a stale recycling of others' (better; more keenly felt) observations. It's like there's a scrim between what I intuit about [CONTEMPORARY ARTIST]'s work and any capacity to express that intuition in language. The old case of the middle-aged white guy with no sense of rhythm, timing, or pitch. All the sentences come out just fine, but the thing don't swing. D-E-A-D, like that mangy bearhide in the garage that gran-dad shot and tanned.

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