Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ongoing: the apartment management's bedbug eradication campaign. In the hall this morning, several pest control guys in white zip-up coveralls. Stacked by the elevator door: respirators, rolls of transparent plastic sheeting, Gilliamesque machinery with tubes and bellows protruding every which way. I don't know the apartments in question, but the image I have in the back of my mind resembles E.G. Marshall's cockroach-covered penthouse in Creepshow.

Bedbugs keep coming up in conversation. The weirdest one being with a casual acquaintance who announced, a propos of nothing, that her apartment had them, but that the infestation was coming under control. "The bites don't hurt," she informed me, "but they look pretty strange; I have these red marks all over the undersides of my breasts." Too much information! Not a mental picture I ever planned to process, and one as inexplicably arousing as Lulu's bangs.

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